H&H Metal Products Inc

H&H Metal Products focus is on metal roofing and siding products for post-frame, residential, and architectural applications. Specifically, H&H Metal Products manufactures and distributes steel roofing, siding, and complementary trim flashings and accessories. We work with qualified installers to ensure that our products are installed correctly and to your satisfaction.

Our metal products are made from the best quality domestic steel and paint products; we specify the thickness of the steel material, and the types of paint and rust corrosion coatings used. Our manufacturing department is highly trained in our state-of-the-art equipment ensuring you a consistent product throughout the life of you project.

H&H Metal Products also distributes screw fasteners, nails, sliding door track and hardware, service doors, windows, garage doors, roof ventilation products, color matched steel gutters and accessories, insulation, and a host of other products to fully compliment your post-frame building, residential or architectural project. Ask us about your almost limitless custom trim options as well.
